A Whirlwind Couple Weeks

A lot has happened the past couple weeks so I thought it would be nice to provide everyone an update.  Tom and Colt arrived safe and sound earlier this month.  The initial hotel room I was staying in was just too small for two adults, two dogs and a cat so we were able to move to a larger room at another hotel.  We basically moved right into a room that one of my co-workers was moving out of.  God's perfect timing.  We're much more comfortable now.  

Big news this week.  We settled on a house and signed the rental agreement on Monday.  We move in mid-August.  We also closed on the sale of our house in Arizona.  The first people who looked at it snatched it up.   Smart people!  It really was a very comfortable home for us.  Hope they love it and make it their own and are good additions to the neighborhood.  The house and our neighbors were a blessing! 

Tom also got picked up for a part-time job here on one of the bases so he submitted his resignation and will not be returning to Arizona.  

Our car arrived a couple weeks ago so we got that picked up.  It arrived the same day we were moving hotels.  It worked out because we had picked up a rental car for the day to move hotels.  It was a bit of a whirlwind moving the fuzzy kids and all our luggage and getting the car but we split our efforts and got everything done.

Tom got to do Benvenuti - the 3-day newcomers orientation - this past week.  I went to Verona for my out-of-town day trip and he got to visit Padua.  We also did the July Wine Club trip last weekend...traveling up to Abbazia di Novacella, which is VERY close to the Austria border and a region known for its white wines.

We also drove up into the Little Dolomites and took the boys for a hike a couple weekends ago.
Tom in Padua
Abbazia di Novacella - this part of Italy reminded us of Germany.
Vineyard tour and tasting.
We'll be happy just exploring new wineries every weekend.
Little Dolomites
The boys!

A collage of pretty flowers from our hike.
A World War I memorial up in the mountains where we were hiking.
In addition to all this I've been getting into things at work; we've had some great dinners with new friends; we're getting some of our final in-processing stuff taken care of, and we even 'hosted' our first out-of-town visitors.  One of my former co-workers is traveling through Europe with her boyfriend right now and they had an overnight stop in Vicenza.  We were able to get together for dinner last night, joined by friends we were in Germany with.  It was a really nice evening with great food, great wine and great fellowship.
View of Vicenza.  Look at that sky!
I also want to share that before Tom came over to Italy, the VFW in Benson had a VERY successful gun raffle fundraiser on the Fourth of July.  I'm very proud of Tom for all his hard work organizing the event and a ton of people from the Post and the community supported the ticket sales.  I think the money they raised will help the Post and veterans for the next couple years, and I think it was a great way to honor Dad's memory.
'Jack Dalrymple Memorial Gun Raffle'
Stay tuned for more posts.  Feel free to follow me on my Instagram account where I post things a bit more regularly.  Ciao!


  1. We are so proud of you both! We pray for you every night and think of you everyday. We are so happy to hear (and see) that everything is coming along. Take care and God bless. Love always, Dad & Mom


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