Getting Out and About

This week I was able to post several trip photos on Facebook and Instagram.  Two of the trips were part of a 3-day newcomer's orientation call Benvenuti, which I was able to do Wednesday through Friday.  The first day is in the classroom with introduction to Italian culture and common Italian phrases and greetings.  We also got to visit the local Italian hospital.  On Thursday we did a day trip to downtown Vicenza traveling there by bus.  On Friday we went to Verona for the day via bus and the regional train.  I hadn't been on the bus or train since arriving so it was really helpful getting that orientation.  The class is designed for spouses of military members and Department of the Army civilians.

The trip to Vicenza included a visit to the Olympic Theater, which is the first indoor theater constructed in masonry in the world.  It was designed by architect Andrea Palladio and constructed between 1580 and 1585.  It is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.  Our guide said it is the oldest surviving roofed theater in the world.  They still hold performances at the venue.  I'm told it's a good place to see an Italian opera.  One of the ladies on the tour shared that tickets to see the opera in Verona are close to $100, close to $200 in Venice but under $50 in Vicenza.  We'll see if I can get Tom to an opera in the next couple years.

We also visited the Santa Corona Church.  The architect Palladio is buried in this church, as well as Luigi da Porto (1485-1529).  Da Porto wrote the story "Giulietta e Romeo" which was the inspiration for Shakespeare.  We walked around the plaza and had a very nice lunch.  It is not uncommon to be in restaurants for several hours, which is taking some getting used to.  We walked to the train station and got our tickets for Friday's trip to Verona and then headed back to the base.  Here are some pictures from Vicenza.  

Friday night I had dinner with my sponsor and his family. After we ate they drove me up to the Church of Saint Mary of Monte Berico.  The church sits on a hill overlooking the city.  I think this will be a great place to take friends and family when they are visiting.
View of Vicenza
The Church of Saint Mary of Monte Berico
During the day Friday we did our trip to Verona.  One thing I'm going to say about the weather right now is it's hot and humid; after ten minutes outside you're ready for a shower.  The sun here is also pretty intense.  That might sound weird from someone who is moving here from Arizona but the sun's strength seems different here.  After our trip to Verona I got this weird rash on the backs of my calves.  I'm thinking it's either a heat or sun rash.  I have NEVER gotten anything like it before.  If it doesn't clear up in the next few days I'll probably have to go get it checked out.

In Verona we walked around parts of the historic city, saw the outside of the arena where they are currently having a summer opera festival, and we took a trolley ride around the city, which was a really nice way to get a quick survey.  We also walked to what is purported as Juliet's house where there is a balcony where people take pictures and a statue of Juliet.  It's basically just a big tourist stop.  We also walked through their market area and then had another lengthy but good lunch.
During the Wednesday Benvenuti class someone came and talked briefly about the Vicenza Community Club.  There is a Wine Club within the VCC and when I was looking at the website on Wednesday I saw that there was a trip on Saturday to a local winery.  I sent an e-mail to see if there was still room and thankfully there was so I was able to join the group.  We visited the Serego Alighieri Estate in Valpolicella.  The family that lives on the estate are direct descendants of Dante the Poet.  We got a great tour of the estate and also got to try five of their wines, including two Amarones.  The Wine Club does a monthly trip.  It's a great group of people and I think Tom and I are really going to enjoy attending their events and trips when we can. 
After the tour we headed to a beautiful restaurant up in the hills and proceeded to have a 2.5 hour lunch!  It included six different plates - two first plates (a tomato dish and risotto), two second plates (pasta and grilled vegetables) and a meat dish, and then dessert, followed by espresso.  My feet and ankles were swollen after the meal but it was delicious!

I had found out at dinner on Friday with my sponsor and his family that they were also going on the Wine Club trip so they let me ride with them, as my car is not going to be here for about another month.  On our drive back we stopped at a second winery and did a mini tasting.
Even after a huge lunch there's still room for more wine!
View from the upstairs tasting room
So in addition to these trips I've been able to reconnect with a wonderful family we were in Stuttgart, Germany with.  They had me over to their house last weekend for dinner and also drove me around Sunday afternoon so I could start getting familiar with some of the neighborhoods in and around Vicenza.  I'm also working on my in-processing, looking at houses and taking care of Henry and Smokey who are here with me.  Colt will be coming over with Tom in early July.  
The kiddos chilling in the room.
I'm slowly getting settled and adjusted but will feel so much better once we are out of the hotel, into our house, into a work routine and have my own wheels.  Any prayers you want to send our way over the next couple months will be greatly appreciated.  Our house in Arizona is on the market too so we're praying that sells quickly as well.   

Arrivederci from Italy!


  1. We miss you more than words can express. We are so proud of you! Remember that I am always beside you.

  2. Sounds like you are getting to know your way around and having a fine time. Looking forward to a visit in 2018. It will be great to see you. Love you, Alicia


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