It was July/August 2000 and I had graduated from college that May and moved from Utah to Nebraska. I was getting ready to move into my first apartment, living on my own for the very first time. My parents who lived down the road from where I'd be living were encouraging me to get a pet, namely a cat. They thought it would be nice for me to have something to come home to in the evenings, instead of coming home to an empty apartment.
We had family pets as I was growing up but none of them were my sole responsibility. I vacillated over whether I was ready for the responsibility of having a pet of my very own. It seemed like a serious commitment. Here would be an animal that could conceivably live for 10+ years and I would be responsible for the caring, feeding and expense of them for the duration. I don't think I had a permanent job yet as I was working as a temp. So no set income yet. I didn't know where I would be in the next year, let alone if my circumstances would support having a pet for the next 10 years.
Regardless, over the course of a couple weeks I visited the wonderful
Nebraska Humane Society, looking at the many available pets. There was this one long-haired golden cat named Sammy, age 8, that caught my eye. He was a stray but I've often thought that the family who lost him must have been heartbroken because he was one special cat. He had been in the shelter for more than a month and I looked at him three different times. Going back-and-forth on whether I should get him. Probably not surprising to you, sometimes it's hard to find homes for adult cats because many families are drawn to the kittens. Well let me just say, you are really missing out if you're not open to adopting adult pets.
Well, third time was the charm and I decided to adopt Sammy. I believe my Dad was with me when I completed the adoption. I'd wanted him to come with me to see Sammy and give me his opinion. He agreed that Sammy seemed like a very well-natured, sweet cat and he thought I should get him. So Sammy came home with us that day and I decided to change his name, naming him 'Bear' a family nickname for my father. So thus began a 13+ year love affair with one of the most loving, special creatures God created.
On Monday, December 23, 2013 Tom and I had to face the very hard decision that it was time to say good-bye to Bear. Our friends and family know that our pets are our fuzzy kids and hold a very special place in our hearts and lives. This was an extremely difficult decision. I don't think I've ever cried as much as I did during those last few days with Bear. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I've never cried as much for the death of a human family member.
Thankfully his illness (bladder cancer) developed so quickly that his behavior had only noticeably changed in the five days before his death. Before that he was his usual loving, old, ornery self.
Bear was so special. A blessing really. He saw us through a lot. I'd only had Bear for a little over a year before Tom and I met so Bear was as much Tom's cat as he was mine. But Tom lovingly referred to Bear as his red-headed stepchild. Bear lived in Nebraska, Missouri, Virginia, Germany and Arizona. He was a great traveler, making a couple cross country road trips and two trans-Atlantic flights. Tom and I have countless stories about him. He enriched our lives and we miss him, terribly.
So, let's have a bit of a love fest. Here are some pictures of our one-of-a-kind Bear. I thank God for him, and feel grateful that he was brought into my life.
Doing what he does best - lounging! |
Could sleep in any position |
Bear had a habit of covering his face with his front paw |
You could do anything with Bear. He was very malleable. |
World's best bed warmer |
Bear would get tucked under the covers after we'd get up in the morning. I know...SPOILED! |
Bear got Spring haircuts each year. He always looked so cute shaved, usually in a lion cut.
One of my favorite photos |
What we referred to as Fuzzy Bear stage. |
Bear had a great motor - I made some recordings of his purr. |
Bear got a brother, Smokey, in September 2003.
Smokey and Bear in the days leading up to Bear's death. |
After an emergency trip into the vet, we found out Saturday, December 21 that we'd probably be saying good-bye to Bear soon. For the next two days, Smokey, Colt and I nested in bed and spent hours with Bear. It was a very special time for me. Time that I needed in order to say good-bye.
Vigil with Bear |
Last morning with Bear - special cuddle time |
We've gotten linked up with a great vet in Tucson -
Pantano Animal Clinic and Dr. Quick. They were great to us as we had to face this very difficult decision.
Last moments |
Precious boys - we'll miss his hairy, hobbit feet |
We buried Bear on our property Christmas Eve, building a cairn over him.
White truck in the distance is where the house will be. |
Paw prints that our vet did for us. |
Hopefully he'll be warming up my sofa in heaven when I get there! |
Thank you Carol for the note! Yes, you are so right. We definitely need to enjoy and appreciate our fuzzy kids for however long they are in our lives. I'm grateful we had Bear for as long as we did and that his passing was quick. I know you gave Towie a great life and you are now building new memories with a new dog.
ReplyDeleteOh Nicole!! I am so, so sad.....we always had a great time with Bear. Both Bill and I are so sad from this news.. We lost our beloved pup Noche just prior to moving to Germany.and still can't talk about him without becoming teary-eyed. Our fuzzy kids are dear to us, for sure. I have no doubt Bear will have the sofa warmed for you