Need a New Name

I'm going to make this rather quick 'cause I've got to take our 'old man' Bear to the Vet this morning but I wanted to catch you up on a few things and also ask for some help.

I just got back Tuesday from a 10 day vacation in Michigan.  It was a great trip.  I'll definitely be sharing some photos.  I got to spend some time with my sister-in-law Nancy and her mom Phyllis and then I linked up with my family.  I got to see my brother and his clan (wife, sister-in-law, nephew, and mother-in-law), my mom and her boyfriend, and my aunt and her husband.  Tom wasn't able to go with me because of work so I was flying solo the whole trip.  My mother's family is originally from Michigan but moved to Florida when my mom was a teenager.  This was only my second trip to Michigan and 20 years span between the two visits.  My maternal great grandfather was a lighthouse keeper in Michigan and we got to visit one of the lighthouses he worked in.  That was pretty cool.  I'll share more in a later post.

This month Tom and I intend to make a decision about the house and how to proceed.  We have been giving real serious thought to going the mobile/modular home route versus building new.  But, in order to have all the information before making our decision, we are having a local appraiser, who is familiar with our area, do a restricted report.  A restricted report is not a full blown appraisal where you get an exact value of your house but it will give us a ballpark range of what we could expect the house plans to appraise out at.  It will also give us an idea of some comparable properties in the area.  Frankly the appraisal determines if we can afford to build the house.  If there is a delta, say $100K, between what the appraisal is (so what the bank will give us) and how much it will actually cost to build the house, we won't be able to afford to move forward.  Thankfully neither Tom nor I are stressed out about the decision.  I think we both have a real peace about it and will be happy to make a decision and start moving forward.

While I was in Michigan, my aunt and I were talking about my blog.  She's not on Facebook so she can't follow the links that I post on my page.  When I changed the URL to after the move to Arizona, my mom was trying to spell the new address for my aunt and she was a bit confused.  Sometimes I even have to think about the spelling when I give the URL to people.  I think I'm going to follow my aunt's suggestion and something I've even contemplated and that is changing the URL of my blog.  My previous addresses have been pilgriminthecradle.blogspot (deployments in Iraq) and pilgrimintheunions.blogspot (for time spent in Europe and Africa).  I've been tossing around some ideas for a new URL - going back to my pilgrim theme with maybe pilgriminthedesert or pilgrimoutwest, but I was also thinking of maybe newlifeinaz or livingwellinaz.  I  know none of those are particularly inspirational or creative so if you've got a suggestion for a new URL for my blog please leave a comment here or post a comment on my FB page.   


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