Still a Bloomin'

Today is officially the first day of Summer but it's been summer in southern Arizona for about four weeks.  Highs this week were around 106 and 108 degrees.  If I start complaining about the heat Tom reminds me that I have a car with a good A/C; I work in a comfortable office indoors, and I don't work outside.  So, honestly, the heat doesn't bother me too much, especially during the work week.  It is impacting my walks though that I usually like to take on my lunch break.

It has really dried up here but this Spring I took more pictures of the flowering cactus and other interesting plants I came across.  I'm thinking ahead to the property and what I might want to plant so I find myself noticing plants and flowers more than usual. 

I thought I'd finally take some time and download the photos from my iPhone and camera and share them on my blog.

I hadn't seen or noticed a flowering prickly pear on any of my previous visits to Arizona.  The flowers really are quite beautiful.  There are many large, healthy prickly pears on base and it was really nice to see them flowering.

Tom and I went up to our property a month or so ago and walked around.  I took my camera to take some pictures of the wild flowers and plants. 
A poppie - I want a field of them once we are on the property
The top of a flowering ocotillo

Lost in the desert? Barrel cactus lean south
A bloom on a prickly pear
Colt resting after running around the property
In our back yard we've got these two trees that have really annoying seed pods but they are flowering in a really unusual way.  I can't say I've seen flowers like these on a tree.
One of the trees
Close up view of the flower - I have no idea what kind of tree this is
Another plant I really like
Close up of the flowers
Came across this plant outside of Phoenix
Love the little purple flowers
Not far from our house is a hiking trail that goes up to an area where there is sometimes a water fall.  We took Colt there for the first time when he probably wasn't even three months old.  We decided to take Colt up there again a couple weeks ago.  It has been so dry lately that the water has all but dried up but it was still an enjoyable.  Here are some pictures.
Looking to the south - the valley we drove up
Colt is pretty fearless on the trail
Looking north - this area is called Happy Valley
My boys
An interesting flower
What a cutie!
Having a dog in the family has been a lot of fun.  I've always enjoyed going for walks but having Colt to take along, knowing how much he enjoys it, makes it even better.     


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