Staying Encouraged in 2013

On the Gospel for Asia website there are many free resources you might want to check out.  A booklet published by GFA's founder, K.P. Yohannan, in 2004 is available for free download.  The title is Stay Encouraged.  The booklet is available in PDF, as well as formats for iPads and Kindles. 

It's a short 56 page booklet with four chapters.  In the third chapter Yohannan shares some things that have helped him during times of struggle and discouragement.

First, think about the Lord, no matter the reason for the discouragement.  He references Hebrews 12:1-3.  Yohannan writes, "It is when we look horizontally that we get discouraged.  When we let what people say or think and the expectations people have of us to influence us, then discouragement sets in.  When we look to men (horizontal) rather than to God (vertical), we easily become weary."

Second, think about the good things in life.  He quotes from Philippians 4:8.

Third, pray.  He references 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, which has been one of my memory versus.  "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Fourth, remember that the Lord has good plans for your life.

Fifth, live by faith, not by sight or feelings.  Yohannan writes, "Faith, by nature, is based upon what we cannot see.  Things happen and we can't understand why.  But we can believe that God will work it out for the best.  We can cling to Him in depression, hurt or sorrow, knowing that these things are for a reason and that He is strong enough to carry us through."

Sixth, know that no matter what, you are forgiven.  "Don't hold things against yourself.  Live with forgiveness for yourself and others on a constant basis."

Finally, have patience with yourself.  "Godliness, maturity and spiritual depth do not come through reading books and acquiring information. ... Rather, it is God working in us that brings maturity."

The fourth chapter focuses on being an encourager.  He writes, "Encouragement is a powerful force.  An earlier study shows that no one can achieve significant heights in life alone; it is always done with the help and assistance of others.  In this, encouragement is without any doubt one of the most powerful things we can do to help others."

If you are interested in downloading the booklet click here.


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