The Power of Literacy

I just learned that September 8 is World Literacy Day.  I'm a bit behind on my Gospel for Asia blog this month.  I forgot to tell the ministry that I'd changed the URL of my blog and I was late in getting the assignment.  In honor of World Literacy Day, Gospel for Asia wanted to highlight its Women's Literacy Program.

English was my undergraduate major and reading has been one of my lifelong passions.  I think it's hard to comprehend what it would be like to not be able to read or write.  Just thinking of a few examples: I wouldn't be able to read any of the books and magazines that I enjoy.  I wouldn't be able to read street signs, food labels, product warnings, instructions, labels on medication, or directions on how to get somewhere or do something.

I most likely would not be in school so the only jobs open to me would be low-paying manual labor jobs.  I would most likely sign my name with an X or something else fairly easy or nondescript.  Others could take advantage of me in areas such as contracts - telling me that I'm signing something that says one thing and then finding out it said something entirely different.  

Just stop and think about the countless ways your life could be changed or impacted if you were illiterate.

The UN's website states: "Literacy is a human right, a tool of personal empowerment and a means for social and human development. Educational opportunities depend on literacy.  Literacy is at the heart of basic education for all, and essential for eradicating poverty, reducing child mortality, curbing population growth, achieving gender equality and ensuring sustainable development, peace and democracy."

Right now there are more than 250 million women in Asia who are illiterate.  The population of the United States is just 314.5 million and women make up half of that.  There are more illiterate women in Asia then there are women in the United States.  Imagine all of the women in the United States unable to read or write.  

But now, thanks to Gospel for Asia's Women's Literacy Program, pastors' wives and women missionaries are reaching out to Asia's women and helping them learn to read by reading the Bible.  They are gaining wisdom in God's Word and at the same time being empowered with a skill that will impact almost all aspects of their life. 

Pretty exciting stuff if you ask me!

And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.  Luke 24:45


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