New Life Out West

August 1, 2012 marked the beginning of our new life in southern Arizona.  After nearly twenty hours of traveling, we arrived in Arizona, leaving behind lovely, wonderful Germany.  Living in Germany was a dream come true for me.  I'd wanted to have the experience of living overseas for many years and I got to have that experience for almost three years.  I am and forever will be VERY grateful.  There are definitely many things I'll miss about Germany and Europe but after nine months of living apart from Tom, it was time to get us both under the same roof.    

More answered prayer was the fact that I got a Public Affairs job in the area and didn't have to resign in order to move back to the States.  We definitely feel like it's God's plan for us to be living in Arizona.   We look forward to seeing what He's got in store for us. 

I took a week and a half of leave before starting my new job this past Monday.  We've been busy getting our new house set up.  We're calling it the temp house because we'll eventually be building our new house on the property we bought a couple years ago.  Our household goods that had been in long-term storage in Missouri for just under three years were delivered on the 7th.  It's sobering being reunited with so much stuff we'd forgotten all about.  Our household items from Germany won't arrive until probably mid to late September.  It's good having a break between the delivery of the two shipments.  Gives us a chance to clear through the first batch of stuff.  We've already made two runs to the Goodwill donation center and we've also taken books to the local used bookstore and donated the rest to the local library.
I plan to keep on blogging but I figured my blog needed a facelift to jive with the new home front.  So I changed the look and also the name.  Pilgrim in the Unions, exploring the European and African Unions, wasn't exactly going to work with this new phase of our lives.  So I changed the url to Casa de Gato Gordo, which is the name we've given our new house, which we haven't built yet, and changed it to a pretty generic theme: Exploring and Building a New Life Out West.  There is no real theme to this blog.  I'll probably blog about all kinds of stuff but I'll still do my monthly blog for Gospel for Asia. 

I hope you'll continue to follow me even if the blogs won't always be as exotic or exciting as blogs about Europe and Africa but I'm living in the Wild West so you never know.    


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