Springtime in Germany is Really Something Special

Palm Sunday in Stuttgart, Germany has been a spectacular day.  A beautiful blue cloudless sky, sunshine and a nice cool breeze.  Except for Friday, when it was overcast and cool, the past week plus has been idyllic springtime weather.  I will miss this kind of springtime weather once I'm settled in southern Arizona. 

All around spring is starting to emerge from winter's rest.  The majority of trees are still bare but many are starting to blossom.  Small pea green shoots are beginning to open and new growth is expanding the circumference of trees.  I thought today would be a perfect day to go for a walk with my camera and capture some of spring's beauty. 

Now I'm no botanist, arborist or floriculturist so I don't know the names of many of these trees and plants.  If you recognize something though...let me know and I'll change the photo caption.  
I think this is a magnolia tree.  One of my favorite neighborhood trees.
I love these yellow flowers.
It may not show up well but these trees are just starting to bud.
Spruce gets some new growth.
Guessing this is a weeping willow.
Near one of the trails I walk frequently were these trees that were just exploding with white blossoms.  It was the kind of vision that could inspire a poet.  Definitely poem-worthy trees, so bare with me, I took a lot of pictures.
The branches looked like they were covered in snow.
Bumblebees were working overtime.
It took me a couple attempts before I got a photo that wasn't blurred of these two hawks but they were still pretty high up in the sky.
Airplane contrails streak the sky.

I thought this was a cool shoot and twisting buds.

Not flowers but a horse stable I walk by a lot.

I think this is probably a weed but I liked it.
I know this is an apple tree.
The first of the tulip fields.
Back home...daffodil in the yard.


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