Christmas Time Spent Exploring New Christmas Markets

Ludwigsburg Weihnachtsmarkt
Many of Germany's Christmas markets have been held for hundreds of years.  While today there are many similarities with the wares sold from one Christmas market to another, it is still fun to visit and explore new markets.  

Our first Christmas in Germany I went to the Christmas market in Stuttgart, and Tom and I went up to the one in Dresden.  The next year we spent Christmas vacation in the United States but we did visit the medieval-themed market in Esslingen. This year I revisited the market in Stuttgart and got to several new ones - Ludwigsburg, Nuremburg, Rothenburg, and Augsburg.   
The history of Christmas markets goes back to the Late Middle Ages in the German speaking part of Europe.  The market in Dresden is one of the oldest, dating back to 1434.  Christmas markets usually take place during Advent and began as pretty simple celebrations -- a small winter market that lasted a couple days.   

Usually, Christmas markets are held in city squares, often times near the city's main church.  I've blogged before about the hot mulled wine that is served at the markets.  Markets have distinctive mugs that they serve hot drinks in and many markets have several different styles.  Neither Tom nor I are into collecting beer steins but we have enjoyed collecting the mugs from the Christmas markets.  Here is a picture of our current collection.

The Stuttgart market dates back to 1692 and is one of the oldest and largest in Europe.  In addition to the booths and food, there are rides for the kids and an ice skating rink.  I really enjoy the market in Stuttgart and can be there in 15 minutes.
First market and first mug

Stuttgart city hall

Supposedly the market in Nuremburg is the largest one in Germany and has about two million visitors a year.  It dates back more than 400 years.  I was there on a Saturday with several co-workers and it was pretty crowded but we enjoyed the visit.  
In the background is Frauenkirche church
I loved getting back to Rothenburg. It is a really special town.

The Christmas market in Augsburg can trace its roots back 500 years when gingerbread bakers "Lebzelter" held a market in Augsburg shortly before Christmas.  I probably would have never visited Augsburg but my friends Steven and Ally were going and invited me to come along.  The market wasn't very busy when we first got there so we were able to easily explore the booths.  I found Augsburg to be a beautiful city and lots of great pedestrian walkways.

A Lego Santa in a store window

I thought Augsburg's city square was beautiful.
The Augsburg Christkindlesmarkt has a unique angel performance as part of its celebration.  In the evening 24 angles appear in the city hall windows creating a huge Advent calendar.  Here are some pictures from the evening performance. 

Here is one of the videos I took during the performance. 
Have a very Merry Christmas!


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