Wandering Welcomed and Encouraged

Here you notice quickly that Germans live very active lives.  Hands down - they walk and ride their bikes way more than we do in America.  It's recreation, transportation and just a way of life.  

I don't think it matters where you live in Germany, whether in the country or in the city, within a short distance of your front door you will find wonderful systems of trails.  I thought it would be fun to take you all on a walk.  Just here around our house.  By doing this periodically I thought it would be a nice way for you all to experience the changing seasons.

I took this walk after work just a couple weeks ago so this would be late summer. 

This first picture was taken on a pedestrian bridge just a block away from our apartment.  Our neighborhood is off to the right.
Something I really like are the fields of flowers, mostly sunflowers, gladiolus and dahlias, where you can cut your own fresh flowers.
The fields have posted signs and a 'kasse' where you deposit your payment.
The owner of this field provides some cutting tools.  Notice the slot for your Euro change.
In addition to flowers, farmers are beginning to put out their harvest -- mainly pumpkins, other squash, corn and zucchini.  It's the honor system, taking what you want and paying for it.  Can't say I've seen stands like this back in the U.S.A.  And yes, that's another flower field behind the vegetables.
Near the house there are also fields where you can pick your own berries.  Here is a sign pointing towards one of the strawberry fields.  And some very tall corn in the background.
Due to the time of day and position of the sun it was hard for me to get a good picture of these yards.  Many Germans here in Stuttgart do not have yards or space to have gardens at their homes.  A solution is renting space in a field like this.  It's hard to tell but there are about two dozen different fenced areas in the photo below.  People personalize their spaces, bringing in lawn furniture and other yard art.  Folks grow vegetables and flowers and I've even seen some yards with chickens.
This photo was taken on a pedestrian bridge that crosses Autobahn 8.  The roofs you see in the background are part of our neighborhood.
Here is another view over the autobahn.  Keep heading east and you'll end up in Munich after about 200 kilometers.  To the far left is the direction of Kelley Barracks, which is where I work.  If traffic is good I can get to work in about 10 minutes.  While I'm usually not that lucky during commuter hours, I am still very grateful to be so close to work.
In addition to the paved trails through the farm fields, there are also trails that wind through wooded areas.  Here is a trail head.
There are several horse stables in the area so I regularly see people out riding.  Watch your step and mind the horse apples. 
Please forgive my picture below of a slug but if you come visit you'll understand why.  Slugs are my constant companions no matter whether I'm walking in the morning, afternoon or evening.  They are always out slithering about.  You have to mind your step with them too.

Another field of flowers
Gotta love sunflowers!

A trail crossing
Another horse getting exercise
Here is another foot bridge crossing the autobahn.  This sign marks our exit.
After about a 90 minute walk...home sweet home.  The top two floors are our apartments.  Bear and Smokey love spending time out on the balcony.
And, speaking of the fuzzy kids, here is a recent picture of the boys doing what they do best...lounging around.


  1. love seeing the area around your house and the fuzzy kids! now you're no longer floating in space over Germany! Debbie D.


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