Sometimes I think weather in Germany is schizophrenic. I'm used to sudden changes in weather from my time living in Missouri. They have a saying there, "If you don't like the weather, wait a while it'll change." But I have to say that Missouri has nothing on Germany. Well, at least Stuttgart, Germany. Can't say I can talk for the entire country.
Take today for instance. This morning I walked to the farmers market a few blocks from our house to get farm fresh eggs and some produce. When I left the house it was probably in the 50s, cloudy and had just finished raining. By early afternoon it was warm and skies were blue. I decided to go for an early evening walk, skies still blue but about half way through I noticed some ominous clouds on the horizon. Figuring I had a 50/50 chance of making it back to the house without getting rained on so I picked up the pace a bit. I had a windbreaker on but no umbrella. Still about 15 minutes away from the house the skies opened up and a light, even sheet of rain began to fall. While it did pick up a bit in intensity thankfully it didn't reach drenching stage.
Started dinner when I got home and noticed out the back door a beautiful rainbow with a trace of a second one above it. Figured I'd share a couple pictures.
View from the balcony off the kitchen |
Faint traces of a second rainbow - Kind of hard to see it |
View from third floor stairwell |
We have seen a lot of rainbows here lately, too! Double, full rainbows! Beautiful.