Rabuna Fi Party in Deutschland

I originally wrote this blog for Far Reaching Ministries but I thought it was worth posting on my own blog too.

Before moving to Stuttgart, Germany my husband and I attended Calvary Chapel O’Fallon in St. Louis, Missouri, and it was there that we learned about Far Reaching Ministries and the selfless service of Wes and Vicky Bentley.  I think anyone who has a chance to meet Wes or Vicky and hears about the ministry can’t help but be touched by their work in Africa and the beauty of the believers there – pure joy and faith! 

We have been supporting and following the ministry for close to five years now.  My husband Tom traveled to the Sudan in September 2005 for a mission trip with our pastor Lorn Dunn, who taught the book of Leviticus at the chaplains’ school.  While there Tom taught on a Sunday morning, ministered to the chaplains, visited soldiers at a local military camp and supported women's ministry outreach efforts. 

It was at our church's women's retreat last year, which Vicky Bentley led for us, that I met Shannon Forsythe, assistant director of Rabuna Fi, the women's ministry of Far Reaching Ministries.  Rabuna Fi means "God is Here" in Arabic and is a common phrase used by women in the Sudan to encourage one another.  The ministry's main focus is discipleship and Bible study but recognizing the challenges the ladies faced just in meeting the most basic needs of their families the ministry began an income generation project.

Now ladies in Sudan and Uganda make crafts (necklaces, journals, purses, bookmarks, pashminas, etc.), which are checked for quality before they are paid for the accepted items.  The crafts are then shipped back to the United States and sold as part of ministry outreach.  Rabuna Fi will ship crafts to interested people who want to do a mission party -- think Tupperware or candles but it's African crafts.  The box contains everything you need for the party and all of the proceeds go right back into the women's ministry.  You can watch a video about the ministry on the Far Reaching Ministries Aviation Channel on YouTube

A couple of month's ago it was laid on my heart to look into doing a Rabuna Fi party here in Germany.  I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it but Shannon generously sent over three boxes full of crafts made by the women.

I co-hosted the party with Ally, a lady from my Bible study, who let us use her house.  We invited ladies from our Bible study group and women from my office, as well as some neighbors.

Here is Ally in her kitchen with her husband Steven, a co-worker of mine, and my husband, getting all the food ready. 
I asked my husband to help with the party because I thought it would be nice for him to talk about his experience in Sudan. 
Set up for the party was pretty easy.  I brought along copies of Far Reaching Ministry newsletters so folks could learn more about the ministry if they wanted.  FRM does work in Africa, Russia and China.  Tom also made a slide show of his photos from Sudan.

Here I am setting up the crafts.

Tom's photos from the Sudan playing on the laptop. 

Information on the ministry set out.

Folks started arriving, mingling, eating and looking at the crafts. 

After about an hour we opened up with prayer.  Tom then shared a bit about Far Reaching Ministries, the work in Sudan and his experience with the women’s ministry.  We then showed the video that discusses the work of Rabuna Fi, the income generation project and the great need for prayer. 

For me it wasn’t about selling things.  If the ladies wanted to buy something that was terrific but the most important thing I wanted to do was tell them about a ministry that is very special to both Tom and me.

Overall it was a great evening.  My co-workers Nancy and Amanda had the right idea for their shopping…they bought purses and then used those to hold all the other stuff they bought.  Here I am standing in the middle of them.

There really weren’t a lot of ladies there so you can imagine my surprise to discover that the ladies had purchased nearly $750 in crafts.  What was great is that many crafts were purchased to be gifts.  Ladies took some of the Rabuna Fi information cards I’d received in the party packages so that people who received the gifts could learn about the ministry too. 

What was really exciting was a few of the ladies were asking questions about how their friends and family members back in the States might host parties and one of the ladies from my Bible study who is moving back to the States next month is thinking of doing a party once she gets her family settled.

I hope and pray that seeds of intercession and support were sown at the party, and I look forward to seeing how I can continue to support the work of Far Reaching Ministries.  One of these days Tom and I would like to travel to Sudan together. 


  1. wish i could have been there. you look so happy and are blessed with sweet friends. what a blessing to have a party that will help so many. love ya!


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