Heavenly chocolate in Malta!

A few things to know before I get to the point of this post.  I am a big fan of Rachel Ray and the Food Network.  That's one thing I am missing here in Germany - the Food Network - but I did bring along several Rachel Ray cookbooks though. 

Rachel used to have this show called "40 Dollars a Day" where she would travel to a tourist location or popular city and eat on the town for less than $40 a day.  A show ran several years ago where she went to Spain and in the show she went to this little cafe and had the thickest hot chocolate I'd ever seen and she enjoyed it with a churro, a Spanish fritter.  I thought, and told Tom then, that when we made it to Spain I was going to have one of those thick hot chocolates.  Well, I didn't have to wait until getting to Spain to try this luscious dessert. 

Last weekend Tom came home after being gone for a month.  We had planned that I'd take a few days off from work and that we'd travel to Garmisch, here in Germany, to get some rest and relaxation.  I was just completing a really busy few weeks at work.  Well, just two days before we were to check into Edelweiss Lodge, we had a change in plans and went to Malta instead.  It became a working vacation for Tom but a pure vacation for me. 

A friend and colleague of Tom's mentioned a cafe not far from our hotel that serves thick, delicious hot chocolate.  Our last day in Malta, after we'd taken a stroll around the water, we stopped in the cafe and I got to enjoy probably the best hot chocolate I've ever had.  It was essentially a glass full of melted chocolate.  Now don't think hot fudge.  This is way different and better.  It was delicious and just brought a huge smile to my face.  As you'll see in the photo below.  If I get a chance to visit Malta again, the cafe will will be one of my first stops and not my last. 

Bon appetit!


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