Work, work, work...earning your tax dollars!

It's been a couple weeks since I last posted so I wanted to get a message up so everyone knows I'm still around and doing okay.  Work has been very hectic the last few weeks.  I am definitely gainfully employed. 

This week our Strategy, Plans and Programs Directorate hosted its annual Senegal Theater Security Cooperation Conference.  Six senior defense officials from Senegal's military traveled up to Stuttgart for a week-long conference.  The week was capped off with the visit of Lt. Gen. Abdoulaye Fall, chief of defense for the Senegalese Armed Forces.  He is the first African chief of defense to visit the U.S. Africa Command headquarters - a pretty big deal for the command.  You can see photos and story on the command's website.

There's also some videos on our YouTube page and photos on our Flickr site.  The command's other social network sites are Facebook, Twitter, and the WordPress blog.  Those are a great way to keep up with what the command is doing in Africa if you are interested in checking them out.

One thing that has had me hopping this week and stressed is a short-notice first trip to Africa.  Keep an eye on my blog as I will definitely post some pictures and reflections on my trip.  I've also got a USO trip this weekend (weather permitting) to Munich and Dachau Concentration Camp.  We aren't getting nearly the amount of snow as the Eastern United States but it has been snowing the last two days and more is expected.

Is it Spring yet?  


  1. Here's to global warming! I love you dear and He has promised me that you will be safe and sound during your trip...although some weird dreams are in your future - let's hear it for Melaria medications!!!


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