Happy New Year!

So long 2009 and hello 2010.  Thinking back over this last year and a lot has happened.  I spent the first five months in Iraq, completing a 7 month deployment.  You can read about that at my other blog.  And now I've spent the last 3 months here in Germany.   

Ever since I can remember, I have wanted the opportunity to live overseas and more specifically, live in Germany.  When I was 6 years old my dad got orders to Germany (he's retired Air Force) but his orders were changed and we ended up going to Alaska instead.  Now Alaska was a great place to live but I think the 'almost' move to Germany planted a seed in me that never went away.  So now, here I am, more than 20 years later, finally living in Germany.  It's a strange thing getting what you've always wanted or thought you always wanted.

And, regarding my public affairs job with U.S. Africa Command...that too is something I have wanted for a couple years now.  In 2007 when I read about the creation of the new command, I thought I'd like to work there some day.  Well, in 2009, the Lord answered two of my longstanding prayer requests...get to Germany and work for U.S. Africa Command.  I am very grateful. 

I won't lie.  This move to Germany has not been all that easy.  It is definitely a challenge moving to a new country and getting out of your comfort zone.  Starting a new life so far away from family and friends and everything that is familiar.  But I think it's an experience all Americans should have...being a guest in another country.

I don't know what the future holds for me in 2010.  There are people out there who have a road map for their lives.  They know the different milestones they want to accomplish and where they want to be in the next 5 or 10 years.  They know what they want to be when they grow up or they know they are doing what they were born to do.  Well, I will tell you that I am not one of those people.  The question "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" is one of my least favorite questions.  Because you know what?  I don't know.  My plan is just to keep doing my best to stay on God's path for my life.

All I've talked about and hoped for professionally the last couple years is now happening.  Is this assignment going to be closing a chapter or opening a new one?  I was telling friends as we were preparing to leave St. Louis that I have absolutely no clue what comes next.  My hope is that whatever opportunities I'm given, experiences I have, and the people I meet during these years here in Germany will help lead me to the next step.

By following me on this blog, you are going to be a part of that journey.  So let's all see what 2010 has in store.


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