Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing everyone a very happy Thanksgiving.  Hard to believe that this time last year I was in Iraq celebrating Thanksgiving in Baghdad's International Zone.  Now here I am in Germany.  Tom and I will be spending our second Thanksgiving apart but he will be spending the long weekend with Maxwell and I'll be here getting things ready to move into our apartment.  So, we have many things to be thankful.

Here at U.S. Africa Command the Public Affairs Office is very diverse.  There is a U.S. Air Force major and staff sergeant; an Army colonel and major; a Navy lieutenant and petty officer, civilians, contractors and a language specialist from Morocco, who speaks English, French and Arabic. 

The Navy lieutenant and his wife have invited those of us in the office with no plans to come over to their home for Thanksgiving dinner.  Should be a great time.

Happy Thanksgiving! 


  1. Nicole,
    Happy Thanksgiving and happy moving into your apartment weekend! Now you'll have lots of room to store all that schokolade!! Hugs!! Carolyn

  2. Hey Carolyn,
    Yep, moving day is Tuesday. Actually took an initial load of stuff over to the apartment this afternoon. Had some friends who helped me. I hate to admit that all my Ritter Sport is gone. I ate it all! I'm working on greater self control :-)
    I hope all is going well with your moving plans.
    Love ya,


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