Care Boxes Galore!

Several weeks ago I received a box from my Aunt Almeda. Inside were about 14 little black fabric pouches that sealed with Velcro. I could tell that my aunt had made them. They were pretty cool. Inside were chocolates, hand sanitizer, beef jerky, and chap stick. All stuffed by my Grandpa and Uncle Paul. I added a few things to the pouches, some alcohol swabs and Crystal Light powder to flavor water.

My family's intent was for me to find some soldiers to give the care bags to. Occasionally there are units of soldiers that pull up in front of our headquarters building, either taking a break, grabbing some coffee or waiting to pick up VIPs. After I got the pouches I started praying that the Lord would bring along the perfect unit who I could give the gifts to.

Well, Monday I was on my way into the office in the morning (note my wet hair in one of the pictures) and I saw a group of vehicles parked outside on the main road. I guessed by the vehicles that they were military police and they were. Actually their squad was a mix of military police, infantry and mechanics, and they're part of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division. They still have 7 months left of their deployment.

So after seeing them I went into the office and grabbed the goodies and a camera and I got to pass out the packages...thanking each of the soldiers for their service. It was pretty cool. Here are some pictures.

Another care package story...this one was for me...but I shared :)

Back home at the St. Louis District I'm part of a prayer group. We've been meeting for almost 5 years now. Wow, it's hard to believe that but it has been such a huge blessing.

Well, they all put together a care box for me and sent it on a "wing and a prayer" hoping I would get it in time for Valentine's Day. And guess what? It arrived on THE day! That's our Lord...perfect timing.

The box had candy (my favorite lemon and lime Tootsie Rolls...yum!), two blankies, a pillow, balloons (which we blew up immediately and put up in the office), a cute shirt, potpourri, a movie, the cutest pj bottoms (DeDe and I called them Rainbow Bright pants), and princess crowns ('cause I'm a daughter of the King!).

It was just too much fun getting all the special presents from my friends, who are constantly lifting me up in prayer. I displayed a lot of the stuff in the office and took a few pictures. Here is my desk all decked out for V-day.

Valentine's Day proved far more dangerous than Christmas ever was regarding the amount of sweets coming in the mail. DeDe's co-worker and husband sent over some amazing treats; Tom sent two boxes (Godiva chocolates and coffee creamer), and my mom sent homemade cookies (all gone the same day they arrived). Plus my box of love from the prayer group. Needless to say I've had to increase my walks just to try and keep up with the caloric intake.

We try to share the love though. We have a counter just inside our office door, right next to my desk, and we've been putting things out so that fellow co-workers can help eat up some of this stuff. Here is the counter at about maximum density.

And, finally, if you've been wondering what my office looks like these pictures have helped answer that questions. We work in a side room that used to be a veranda. We call it the bowling alley office; we often talk of buying a set of plastic bowling pins and a bowling ball and playing a few rounds when we need to burn off some steam. We also have discussed that it's the perfect size for a Soul Train dance line and for those of you who watched the video of us celebrating our 5 year anniversary successes, we have used it for dancing.


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