Digging Through History

Hello everyone. A few weeks ago I was flipping through some old issues of Essayons Forward, the magazine for the Gulf Region Division, trying to find some historical articles on a few projects. You can see the five years worth of Essayons Forward at this link http://www.grd.usace.army.mil/news/Essayonsforward/index.asp

As I was doing this, I thought...it would be so much easier to locate an article if there was some type of database listing all the articles. Well, instead of wishing it was so, I got to making one! It's nothing fancy. Just used Excel and created a record of the 400+ articles that have appeared in Essayons since 2004. I listed them by sector (water, energy, security, justice, etc.), title and author. It took about three weeks, working on it here and there as I had time, but it is now finished.

While doing that I came across an article that Steve Wright wrote in 2004 about the historical/religious significance of Iraq -- rather the region that is today known as Iraq. I really liked the list and thought I'd share some of it with you. If you would like to see Steve's original article it is in Volume 1, Issue 8, page 19.

- The Garden of Eden was in Iraq, nestled at the 'cradle of civilization' in Mesopotamia, where the Tigris and Euphrates meet.
- Noah built the Ark in Iraq.
- The Tower of Babel was in Iraq.
- Abraham was from Ur, in southern Iraq.
- Issac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor, in Iraq.
- Jacob met Rachel in Iraq.
- Jonah preached in Nineveh, located near Mosul, Iraq.
- Assyria, in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel.
- Amos cried out in Iraq.
- Nebuchadnezzer, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq.
- Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq.
- Ezekiel preached in Iraq.
- The wise men were from Iraq.
- Peter preached in Iraq.

It's incredible to think I'm in a land full of such amazing history. When I'm studying my Bible it does put things in a whole new perspective being in the land where many of these things occurred.

Not to change gears too dramatically but I did have one other thing I wanted to share. A few weeks ago my co-worker Rick helped Jessica Ramirez from Newsweek with a story she was doing on the effort to revive Iraq's rail system. The following link takes you to her article and a very nice video she put together. I would recommend watching the video if you have a few minutes. http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/checkpointbaghdad/archive/2008/12/19/the-baghdad-commute.aspx

Notice that the article is on the Newsweek's blog about Iraq - Checkpoint Baghdad. I do not know if it ran in the actual hard copy.

It is often said...and I'm sure I've said it a time or two...that there is no good news about Iraq reaching the States. It's just the latest bombings and causualties. Something I'm discovering to a much greater extent since I've been here is there is a lot of information available on news service blogs and other nontraditional news sources. It just takes some effort to find it. So needless to say I am enjoying the discovery and the learning experience of being here.

As always thank you for the prayers. And all of you saying you can't figure out how to post comments...go grab a teenager and get them to show you how to post. If I can blog...you can post! :)

Love, Nicole


  1. Honey, you know how I hate history. ;-) The depth it gives us in our studies is awesome - it helps to add another demintion.


    PS. I can comment!!!


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