Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, operation eat till you drop has been a success. I have enjoyed two Turkey Day meals :)
The dining facilities (DFAC) always put out a lot of effort into making the holidays nice during a deployment. During my first deployment to Iraq in 2004-05 I experienced Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. I'll enjoy the same holidays this deployment.
For lunch, members of our command group, including our commanding general and command sergeant major, served the meal.
I thought I'd load some pictures of the decorations. We're normally not allowed to take pictures inside the dining facilities. Holidays are really the only time it is okay.
The top photo shows the whole middle row of the DFAC taken up with the decorations.
I loved the fact that scripture was incorporated into the decorations at the DFAC closest to my office. I have many things to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. Not the least of which is all of you who are reading this blog and keeping up with my deployment. I am grateful for your support and your prayers.
I don't go a day without realizing my safety in this place is solely in the Lord's hands and I believe that prayer matters and it does make a difference. Thank you!
Coming up are pictures of my favorite decoration and I have absolutely NO idea what it had to do with Thanksgiving but the DFAC personnel made a crocodile out of pineapple peels. I'm afraid the picture may not do it justice. The croc's claws were from crab legs! Gotta love it ~
And finally, here is me enjoying the meal...turkey, sweet potatoes, corn bread dressing, fruit salad. I'm saving dessert for tonight :)
Part two of the dining extravaganza took place at another DFAC. Dinner consisted of prime rib, mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli, and a dinner roll. They also had salmon but it wasn't very good. The theme at this DFAC...was bread, bread and more bread. They had a turkey made of bread and cornucopias. It's too bad we couldn't eat any of it.
Then, finally, dessert. I know you may find it hard to believe that I didn't have dessert at lunch but I was saving up. Here's me about to dig into a slice of pumpkin pie and a scoop of pralines ice cream. I really shouldn't share pictures like this because no one will feel sorry for me :) Happy Thanksgiving! Bon appetit ~
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