Reading Grounded in Being Home

Today I spent part of the day emptying my walk-in closet. Tom has bought a new closet system for me. As I was carrying all my clothes and other items from one side of the house to the other, I thought about our move into the house. I looked around each room. Tom and I physically moved every piece of furniture and every household item into the house ourselves. In some cases, we moved items twice, moving boxes into the connex last summer for temporary storage and then moving it up to the house. I have two observations after today's exercise. First. Man, oh man...I have A LOT of clothes! Second. I'm about tired of moving stuff! I know for sure Tom is too. The house and the move have been consuming. So I thought I'd mix things up and do a book blog. I haven't done one since the new year. I've been reading but notably at a slower pace in the first quarter of the year. It felt like a bit of a slog ...