Three Exciting Deliveries

I was trying to figure out what to name this post and settled on "Three Exciting Deliveries". It seemed fitting. We've had the delivery of the house. The delivery of our household items from Italy. And the 'delivery' of another heeler. I guess you can even say we've recently celebrated the delivery of yours truly! It's been a busy couple months. So now to the blog post. I recently celebrated my birthday, and I have firmly arrived in middle life. At 45 I am exactly halfway through my 40s and halfway towards my 50s. The morning of my birthday Tom and I sat at our newly-acquired dining room table drinking coffee and sketching out plans for our garage and courtyard. As we were talking, Tom asked me if I "felt" old, wondering if my increasing age was bothering me. I told him that "I'm old" are words he will probably never hear me say. At least not for another twenty or thirty years. I might cop to "I'm getting older...