My Book of Books

Earlier this month I reached the halfway point of my 2022 Read Harder Book Challenge . Finishing my twelfth challenge of twenty-four. Since then I've ticked off another two challenges so I've comfortably got only 10 more to do in the next six months. With the total upheaval of our lives this year, I'd wondered if I'd be able to finish this year's challenge but I'm confident now I'll finish. Within days of being home in Arizona I had a new county library card and hold books on the way. Last night I finished my first of the requested library books: Pamela Paul's book My Life with Bob: Flawed Heroine Keeps Book of Books, Plot Ensues . A couple of Books of Books This is a book that has been on my wish list to read since June 2017. The month we were moving to Italy. Up until earlier this year, Pamela was the editor of the New York Times Book Review. I think we can safely say that the woman knows a thing or two about books....