Challenge Complete
Yesterday I finished the Book Riot 2019 Read Harder Challenge . This is my second year doing the challenge and I've found I really enjoy it. It has diversified my reading and led me to authors and books I would not have found otherwise. The challenge is 24 categories. If you read a book that fulfills more than one category that is a-OK but I typically try to read a book per challenge. Earlier this year I wrote a blog about finishing the first twelve challenges. Here is a link to the post if you want to go back and read it. The final half of the challenge included the following: Read an alternate history novel; an #ownvoices book set in Mexico or Central America; an #ownvoices book set in Oceania; a book by or about someone that identifies as neurodiverse; a book of mythology or folklore; an historical romance by an author of color (AOC); a business book; a novel by a trans or nonbinary author; a book of nonviolent true crime; a book written in prison; ...