From Heartburn to Soul Food

In addition to the 24 books I read for the 2018 Read Harder Challenge, I've also been reading a wide-ranging selection of other books. Twenty-six at last count. The year isn't over yet so I'll probably get another four or five books in before New Years. I think I can safely say I've never read this many books in a single year. It's been an eclectic year in the reading department, and the Read Harder Challenge certainly contributed. My additional reading has included a small number of books from my own shelves but the bulk have been borrowed from the local library system. Twenty-six is a lot of books to do in a single blog post so I figured I'd just do a handful of them today. I'm staying home today because we're doing a blood curve check on our diabetic cat Smokey. It's a way of checking his blood sugar levels, which were not good this morning. I have been neglecting these checks so I'm dedicated today to Smokey. I'm writing this...