My Week in Photos: Painting, Cooking, Eating and Marketing
By nature I'm a bit of a homebody. I like being home with my honey and the fuzzy kids. Whether it's cooking in the kitchen, sitting around reading, or watching things on YouTube, I'm perfectly happy just being home. But my desire and comfort with being at home now has to be counter-balanced with this amazing time in our lives when we have the opportunity to live and and work in Italy. It's incredible and we are so blessed! I truly believe that we all need to recharge and relax so I don't feel guilty one iota if I spend a rainy Sunday in my jammies. But I've just got to make sure that doesn't become my default on the weekends. I think Tom and I have been successful so far in setting an intention every weekend to do at least one new thing whether it's visiting a new store, going to a winery or taking the boys on a new hiking trail. This past week has been particularly full of fun, new adventures and great fellowship with new friends so I thou...