Experimenting in the Kitchen

I mentioned in an earlier post that one of my girlfriends, for her New Years Resolution, set a goal of cooking one recipe out of every cookbook she owns during 2013. She apparently has quite the collection. I thought it was a fun idea and contemplated taking on the resolution for my own. I even took a photo of my cookbook shelf just in case I decided to take on the challenge and blog about it. I figured I'd need to cook about six new things a month in order to get through my nearly 70 cookbooks. I'm far from that goal but I have been trying some new stuff. Just in the last few weeks I've cooked three new things out of two of my newly acquired Rachel Ray cookbooks from our local used bookstore. You may be able to tell from the photo that I own several, about 10! Without fail, Rachel Ray's recipes always take me more than the 30 minutes advertised, usually because of how long it takes me to prep everything; however, her recipes and her ...