Exploring Amsterdam's Canals and Canal Houses

My shopping plans were thwarted today because I didn't remember that Memorial Day is a holiday in Germany too. So, to be somewhat productive, I thought I'd do another Amsterdam blog. I hope to do a few more before moving on to our Paris trip. This post is going to be all about Amsterdam's canals and canal houses. Our hotel was in a canal house in the Eastern Canal Ring on Prinsengracht. My guidebook states that from the 15th century on, planning laws, plot sizes and topsoil instability dictated that facades were largely uniform in size and built of lightweight brick or sandstone, with large windows to reduce the weight. Owners personalized their houses through decorative gables and cornices, ornate doorcases and varying window shapes. The house on the left has an ornate 17th century neck gable with a dolphin ornament. No. 119 Oudezijds Voorburgwal All registered houseboats have postal addresses and are connected to city power....