Making a Difference...Supporting Our Wounded Warriors
I shared this information last year and had some friends participate so I wanted to let you all know that the opportunity to support our wounded warriors receiving treatment at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center is here again. The German-American Kontakt Club here in Stuttgart is collecting donations for the Transition Unit at Landstuhl in support of 'Make a Difference Day,' which is Oct. 22. They will be delivering the donated items to Soldier's Angels Germany . Service members who cannot be treated in Afghanistan and Iraq are medically evacuated to Germany for treatment at Landstuhl. They often arrive with just the clothes on their backs and chances are those have been cut off for treatment. Soldier's Angels Germany provides clothing, toiletries and other items upon their arrival. You can read a story and watch a video about air evacs out of Afghanistan by clicking here . So, as you can imagine, these items are greatly needed and greatly appreci...