It's Not All About the Food...Okay, Maybe a Little
Last night while I was downloading photos from our most recent trip...we went to Belgium for five days for Tom's birthday...I was laughing at all the pictures of Tom and me with food and beverages. You know the army travels on its stomach...the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, etc., I guess you could say the Dalrymples travel on their stomachs too. I joked with Tom that I was going to do a blog just with all the pictures of us eating and drinking our way across Europe. I thought that might actually be a fun post. So, here we go. Belgium is known for its mussels, chocolate and beer and we happily tried them all. We also drank our fair share of coffee. Now don't get alarmed at all the pictures of us with beer. We were at no time during any of these trips inebriated and we usually only had a beer a day...okay, maybe two a day. Tom's Birthday Dinner in Brugge, Belgium Fish, mussels and beer....